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Benefits of upgrading VLine VL2 system to Android 12

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  • Benefits of upgrading VLine VL2 system to Android 12

    Android Auto phone calls using VLine VL2

    Reasons to upgrade your VLine VL2 system to Android 12:

    1. SD card augmenting the flash storage for more space. Store more offline media or maps directly on the VLine VL2 unit.

    2. HDMI out with separate content. Project HDMI multimedia to the headrest displays *.

    3. More apps compatible. No longer "missing" apps from the Play Store.

    4. Latest security and Runtime fixes from Google. Fewer crashes and hanging for apps.

    5. Hands-free calls for Android Auto users. Use VL2 for all phone calls on Android phones with Android Auto*.

    * feature will be available in February 2025

    Read more at:

    Order VLine VL2 System Android 12 upgrade here:

    #androidcarstereo #navigationupgrade #gromvline #vlinevl2 #androidcar

  • #2
    5. Hands-free calls for Android Auto users. Use VL2 for all phone calls on Android phones with Android Auto*.
    Nice!! I actually came to this forum to ask about this. I know it wasn't available before but I just noticed when turning my car on that the screen has a popup that says "Android Auto: Bluetooth for calling connected." which I hadn't seen before the latest update (I last updated in late January though so not sure if it's 100% there or not, haven't tested it yet)

    On a related note, is there somewhere I can see version history of VLine firmware, like a changelog or something? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

