This cable provides interface and power connectivity of GROM VLine infotainment system into select Lexus vehicles.
C-MCFLEX89 cable is compatible with LEX89VL1 and LEX89VL2 VLine Infotainment System models for select Lexus vehicles 2014-2019, as well as into LEX89VT1 VLite
Smartphone mirroring system for Lexus vehicles.
More information about
GROM VLine Infotainment System
LexusCT 200H2013-2016
LexusCT 200H2017-2017
LexusGS 200t 350 450h GS F2016-2020
LexusIS 200t 250 300 3502013-2016
LexusRC 200t 250 300 350 RC F2015-2017
LexusRC 200t 250 300 350 RC F2018-2020
MCFLEX89 VLine Power and Interface cable, 3.5FT